Hello Lovelies,
heute ist es endlich wieder soweit und ich zeige Euch meine Outfits der letzten Wochen, welche ich bereits auf Instagram mit Euch geteilt habe, aber verlinke Euch hier alle Teile die ich trage, bzw. ähnliche zum Nachshoppen!
Mehr Outfit Inspirations findet Ihr wie immer auf meinem Instagram @ally.shiny
today I want to share with you again my outfits I posted on Instagram in the last few weeks. But here I not only show you them but also link every piece I am wearing or link similar pieces for you to shop!
shirt - GUTS&GUSTO [ HERE ]*
skirt - H&M [ SIMILAR HERE ]
earrings - No Name [ SIMILAR HERE ]
sunglasses - Primark [ SIMILAR HERE ]
shirt - Dokotoo [ HERE ]* use code "allyshiny15" for 15% off your order
jacket - Dokotoo [ HERE ]* use code "allyshiny15" for 15% off your order
black denim - Hollister [ SIMILAR HERE ]
boots - stiefelparadies [ HERE ]
sunglasses - Primark [ SIMILAR HERE ]
blouse - H&M [ SIMILAR HERE ]
black denim - Hollister [ HERE ]
sneaker - GUTS&GUTSO [ HERE ]*
necklace - Nuwel [ HERE ]* use code "Nuwel15" for 15% off your order
shirt - Red Bubble [ SIMILAR HERE ]
denim skirt- H&M [ SIMILAR HERE ]
shirt - H&M [ HERE ]
pants - Forever21 [ SIMILAR HERE ]
what is your favorite look?
welchen look würdet Ihr nachshoppen?
xoxo ally